Safety & Health and Health Support
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For the Canon Group, the safety and health of employees form the foundation of its business activities. The principle of its safety and health activities is "safety is essential for management."
At the Canon Marketing Japan Group (hereafter, the "Canon MJ Group"), we adhere to this principle in engaging in health and safety activities for building a safe, comfortable work environment. At the same time, we advance initiatives to provide health support to our employees and realize health and productivity management based on the Health First principle set in the Canon Code of Conduct.
Our Approach to Safety & Health and Health Support
At the Canon MJ Group, we engage in safety and health activities proactively based on the broken windows theory*, with key phrases of "Human security" and "Those who work with good health are happy," in an effort to build a workplace environment that permits employees to work comfortably.
The broken windows theory is an environmental criminological theory developed in the United States, which states that crimes, including violent crimes, can be controlled by thoroughly controlling minor crimes. It was named based on the idea that "if a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, the rest of the windows will soon be broken."
2024 Canon MJ Group Safety and Health Activity Policy
【Safety】Strengthen initiatives to reduce occupational accidents and build a safety and health management system and a comfortable workplace environment
Reduce occupational accidents, with the target number of work accidents at 11 (including zero task-related accidents in the workplace)
Promote the operation of the Canon Group Occupational Safety and Health Management System and risk assessment
Raise safety awareness by enhancing awareness-raising and training programs
Build a comfortable workplace environment
【Health】Realize health and productivity management that helps employees and the company remain energetic and healthy
Improve health literacy and develop health culture
Enhance mental health measures
Ensure thorough safety consideration and prevent the worsening of illnesses
Make it a habit to receive effective cancer screening and prevent cancer
【Traffic safety】Implement effective measures to eliminate accidents and violations
Work to prevent traffic accidents and violations
(Rate of occurrence/Number of occurrences: Below the previous year’s level) -
Ensure recurrence prevention activities and employee training
Continue to improve awareness of safe driving
【Fire prevention and Disaster prevention】Improve the Group's ability to handle the risks of accidents
Improve the Group's ability to handle accidents
Raise awareness of accidents
Promotion of the Effective Operation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System
To promote autonomous safety and health activities at business sites, the head offices of Canon Marketing Japan Inc. (hereafter "Canon MJ"), Canon IT Solutions Inc. and Canon System and Support Inc. have introduced and are running the Canon Group Occupational Safety and Health Management System with a checklist that reflects the standards and rules of Canon Inc. based on the requirements of the Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association occupational safety and health management system.
Unifying Safety & Health Standards in the Group

We have developed more than ten kinds of unified safety and health standards and guidelines in the Group (including the 5S Standards, the Standards for Safe Handling of Heavy Goods, and the Guidelines for Preventing Fall from Height) by discussing and considering them with relevant departments in light of actual work environment.
We will continue to enhance initiatives for safety and health and health support at each Group company and drive group-wide activities.
Risk Assessments and Their Effective Use
The Canon MJ Group conducts risk assessments for jobs within the scope of the Canon Group Occupational Safety and Health Management System according to the common management standards of the Canon MJ Group. The Group identifies every job with risks of accident or disease and implements appropriate risk reduction measures and residual risk management measures to prevent industrial accidents and diseases.
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Total number of work accidents (of which, lost time accidents) | 11 (2) | 2 (1) | 22 (7) |
Total number of commuting accidents (of which, lost time accidents) | 13 (4) | 20 (3) | 18 (7) |
Total (of which, lost time accidents) | 24 (6) | 22 (4) | 40 (14) |
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Number of work accidents (of which, fatal accidents) | 3 (0) | 1 (0) | 7 (0) |
Frequency rate | 0.123 | 0 | 0.514 |
Severity rate | 0 | 0 | 0.001 |
Accident rate per 1,000 persons | 0.206 | 0 | 0.865 |
Health and Safety Activities in Each Region and Workplace
At the Canon MJ Group, we have established the Shinagawa & Keihin District Safety and Health Committee, chaired by the Director in charge of Safety & Health, as the highest-level organization on health and safety. The committee has adopted the Canon MJ Group Safety and Health Activity Policy and works to eradicate industrial accidents, maintain and promote health, improve traffic safety, prevent fires and disasters and create comfortable workplaces.
At each company and district of the Canon MJ Group, a Safety and Health Committee has been established under laws and regulations. The committee conducts activities guided by the Canon MJ Group Safety and Health Activity Policy. The Workplace Safety and Health Committees subordinate to the Safety and Health Committees promote day-to-day safety and health activities in the workplaces.
Labor and management engage in safety and health activities together within the Group. Each committee includes representatives of the Canon Workers' Union or other employee representatives, and the committee members work together to implement measures for employees.

5S Activities
To work in a safe, secure, comfortable workplace environment every day, we are engaged in Group-wide 5S (Seiri for organizing, Seiton for keeping things in order, Seiketsu for keeping things clean, Seiso for cleaning up, and Shitsuke for self discipline) activities as the foundation of safety and health.
To maintain good 5S conditions, we promptly improve problematic points and recognize April, August, and December as the 5S Months of the overall Group, when we set and address issues and targets in each region and workplace.
Health Support for Employees

Canon Marketing Japan Group Health and Productivity Management Declaration
At the Canon Marketing Japan Group, we believe that working to maintain and improve employees' health under the Health First principle set in the Canon Code of Conduct leads to the happiness of employees and their families and eventually to the sustainable improvement of corporate value. Based on this belief, we pledge to work proactively on health and productivity management.
Minoru Mizoguchi
Director, Senior Vice President
Canon Marketing Japan Inc.
Philosophy and Policy on Health and Productivity Management

We believe that when each one employee is able to work energetically with good health, they can demonstrate their individual capabilities to the full, not to mention make themselves and their families happy. This in turn leads to the development and sustainability of the company.
Since 2018, we unified the Group's health support measures and operations, so that health management of the Canon MJ Group would be standardized at a high level.
Health support offices | Eight locations in Japan |
Assignment of health nurses | One health nurse per 750 employees |

■ Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map
■ Priority issues
- Mental health
- Lifestyle-related diseases
- Cancer
■ Key strategies (2023-2025)
Ensure thorough safety consideration and prevent serious illness
Make it a habit to receive effective cancer screening and prevent cancer
Strengthen measures to drive the improvement of capability of managing one's own health and develop a health-oriented culture
Strengthen mental health measures
Strengthen infection control measures
■ Final target indicators
To achieve its health and productivity management goals, Canon MJ has set health and productivity management indicators.
Under the Health First principle, we have taken steps to have 100% of the employees receive health checkups and have 100% of the employees who need detailed examinations do so. We have also taken other steps to develop a health-oriented culture and improve health literacy. We added absenteeism, presenteeism and work engagement indicators as ultimate health and productivity management goal indicators in 2020. Our findings show that these indicators have remained flat or have been on an improving trend.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2025 target | Indicator value in the findings of the prior study for comparison | ||
Number of people surveyed | 4,915 | 4,779 | 4,676 | 4,507 | ― | ― | |
Absenteeism*1 | Results | 2.4 days | 2.0 days | 2.0 days | 2.4 days | 2.0 days or below | 2.6 days |
Response rate | 99.9% | 99.9% | 99.9% | 100% | |||
Presenteeism*2 | Results | 90.8% | 91.2% | 91.3% | 90.2% | 91.3% or above | 84.9% |
Response rate | 99.9% | 100% | 100% | 100% | |||
Work engagement*3 | Results | 2.64 points | 2.66 points | 2.68 points | 2.67 points | 2.68 points or above | 2.52 points |
Response rate | 99.9% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
We surveyed all employees by interviewing them when they received regular health checkups (excluding the health checkups they received when they joined the company).
Average number of days off work in a year in the previous year due to respondents' own diseases and injuries
Average of respondents' work performance in the past four weeks evaluated as a percentage of their full performance without diseases or injuries in the survey with the Single-Item Presenteeism Question (SPQ) developed by the University of Tokyo Working Group.
Average of half of the total score of the responses to the questions shown below.
Question 1: You feel vigorous when working. Question 2: You feel proud of your work.
Score: 4 points for "agree," 3 points for "agree to some extent," 2 points for "somewhat disagree" and 1 point for "disagree".
■ Specific target indicators (in percent)
【Health literacy indicators】 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2025 target | |
Percentage of employees in the Implementation Stage of lifestyle improvement awareness and activity | 40.8 | 43.3 | 44.3 | 43.3 | 47.3 | |
Percentage of employees engaging in about one hour of physical activity per day | 50.3 | 46.3 | 43.2 | 47.2 | 48.0 | |
Percentage of employees eating at least 350 grams of vegetables per day | 17.0 | 19.0 | 18.3 | 16.9 | 19.8 | |
Percentage of employees sleeping at least six hours per day | 42.7 | 47.4 | 49.4 | 49.3 | 50.4 | |
Percentage of employees consuming an appropriate amount of alcohol | 37.6 | 40.5 | 41.4 | 39.6 | 44.4 | |
Percentage of employees who smoke | 21.3 | 20.4 | 20.0 | 20.4 | 17.0 | |
Percentage of employees measuring their own weight regularly | 63.4 | 64.1 | 65.6 | 63.5 | 68.6 | |
【Mental health-related indicators】 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2025 target | |
Percentage of employees with high stress levels | 8.5 | 8.7 | 9.3 | 9.0 | 9.0 | |
Percentage of employees with headaches | 13.0 | 13.1 | 14.8 | 15.2 | 13.0 | |
Percentage of employees with symptoms affecting their neck or shoulders | 44.3 | 44.5 | 48.3 | 47.0 | 44.0 | |
Percentage of employees with symptoms affecting their backs | 27.3 | 27.0 | 31.5 | 29.7 | 27.0 | |
【Indicators related to a high risk of lifestyle-related diseases】 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2025 target | |
Percentage of employees with high blood pressure | 3.5 | 3.0 | 2.9 | 3.8 | 2.9 | |
Percentage of employees with poor control of blood sugar levels | 2.6 | 3.0 | 2.9 | 2.2 | 2.9 | |
Percentage of young obese employees (younger than 40 years of age with a BMI of 25 or higher) | 11.6 | 13.5 | 13.7 | 12.4 | 11.2 | |
Percentage of employees who receive cancer screening | 48.7 | 59.6 | 60.9 | 58.6 | 68.0 | |
【Indicators related to other health checkup results】 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2025 target | |
Percentage of employees whose weight is in a healthy range (All age groups) | 70.1 | 68.8 | 69.7 | 70.1 | ― | |
Rate of continuation of blood pressure treatment | 83.0 | 87.4 | 86.5 | 83.6 | ― | |
Rate of continuation of diabetes treatment | 76.8 | 76.1 | 72.8 | 78.4 | ― | |
Rate of continuation of blood lipid treatment | 71.7 | 69.8 | 71.9 | 72.5 | ― |
Indicators are calculated using health checkup results, excluding mental health-related indicators, which are calculated using stress check results.
Statuses of Priority Measures and Evaluations
1. Strengthen Measures to Drive Improvements in the Ability to Manage One's Own Health and Develop a Health-Oriented Culture
We are engaged in activities to raise awareness of lifestyle improvements by taking individual and group approaches, so that each of all employees will be conscious of their health and take actions based on the Health Management Three-Year Plan.
Since 2014, we have been implementing Health Actions, under which individuals and workplaces set health action targets and work to achieve them. In 2020, we began to distribute cards to visualize and further drive their initiatives and encourage active communications. In 2022, officers disclosed their Health Actions internally. Since 2023, we set Health Actions 7 as lifestyles recommended by the Canon MJ Group, aiming to further promote healthy lifestyles.
In 2016, we introduced a health promotion app jointly with our health insurance union. The app registration rate has remained above 90%. We have introduced incentives for use of the app and participation in events, thus helping improve health literacy and lifestyles.
As a result of a number of activities, we have steadily produced achievements. For example, the percentage of employees trying to improve their lifestyles has been 2.6 times higher compared to 2010.

■ Exercise-Related Initiatives
We hold walking events using the health promotion app twice a year. We take measures such as granting incentives to participants and those who have achieved their goals, as well as holding regional competitions. With the number of participants increasing each year, it has been established as a widely known event. In 2024, we also held walking events at each site after working hours.
Further, in 2024, we began to take an initiative that we call "Stand Break," which means standing up and moving your body during breaks at meetings, as a measure for employees to avoid remaining seated for too long.

■ Nutrient-Related Initiatives
An analysis has found that people who eat a lot of vegetables are more likely to "feel energetic during work" than those who don't. Based on this finding, we take steps to encourage employees to consume 350 grams of vegetables daily to improve their work performance.
In 2024, we held an event measuring the carotenoid (which is correlated to vegetable intake) levels along with the health checkup. A total of 11,439 Group employees including officers took part.

■ Initiatives Related to Sleeping
We engage in activities to raise awareness of the importance of good sleep because work engagement is significantly higher among people who get sufficient rest from sleeping compared with those who don't. In addition, we have created a video for promoting power naps as a method of taking a rest for improving performance and made it available for viewing internally.

■ Initiative to Promote Appropriate Drinking Habits
We have created a video for raising awareness of the necessity to set dry days and adopt appropriate drinking habits and posted it on our internal portal site.
■ Anti-Smoking Initiatives
To prevent passive smoking by employees, we have imposed a total ban on smoking on the premises and during business hours. Further, in 2019, we launched a quit smoking program based on online medical services, which use smartphones, thus encouraging employees to give up smoking.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Percentage of male employees who smoke (%) | 25.1 | 24.1 | 23.6 | 24.5 |
Percentage of female employees who smoke (%) | 4.1 | 4.2 | 3.6 | 3.9 |
Number of perticipants to the quit smoking program | ー | 64 | 39 | 22 |
■ Gender-Specific Health Support
Since 2020, we have been providing health support for addressing health issues specific to each gender. We introduced internal health counseling services for women, allowing them to seek counseling from an industrial physician with experience as an obstetrics and gynecology specialist.
We also hold seminars to improve employee health literacy. In the questionnaire regarding a seminar for women given in 2021, 91% of participants answered that they found the seminar "Useful." A video of the seminar is still available online for viewing. In the questionnaire about a webinar on menopause, which was given in 2024, about 90% of respondents answered that they "want to tell the content to someone."

Theme | Target | Method | Participation rate (Canon MJ Group) | |
2020 | (Introduction) Let's think about the health of working women. | Female employees | e-learning | 47.0% |
2021 | (Particular topic) Mental health of working women | Female employees | e-learning | 38.4% |
2022 | Seminar for understanding women and improving their management capability | Managers | e-learning | 82.5% It has continued to be given to new managers. |
2023 | HPV vaccine seminar | All employees | A seminar given after working hours/Distributed online | Number of respondents to the questionnaire survey: 80 |
2024 | About menopause | All employees | Lunchtime webinar/Distributed online | Number of respondents to the questionnaire survey: 132 |
■ Training and Seminars for Self-Health Management
We provide employees with education to give them opportunities to think about health and provide relevant information, thereby helping them to make lifestyle improvements for healthier living. In 2022, we offered e-learning common to all employees, in addition to pursuing age-group-specific initiatives.
The e-learning common to all employees was received by about 80% of employees. In a questionnaire, 69% of respondents answered that they "Want to improve/continue to improve my lifestyle" and 56% said that they "Want to receive cancer screening."
Target | Content | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
All employees | Lifestyles, cancers, and COVID-19 | ― | ― | 82.3 | ― |
New employees | New employee training | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Mental health training for new employees | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Employees in their 2nd year | 2nd-year training | ― | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Employees at key ages (those aged 30, 40, 50, and 60) |
Age-specific e-learning | 89.6 | 91.4 | ― | 89.6 |
50s | Creative Life Seminar | 90.0 | 87.2 | 92.0 | 88.7 |
2. Strengthen Mental Health Measures
At the Canon MJ Group, we run a number of programs, including those on training and counseling, which are focused on four types of care and three preventive measures. We are taking ongoing initiatives including self-care training for new employees, e-learning programs that are specific to age groups or ranks, and introduction of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by the Canon Health Insurance Union.

2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Percentage of employees who receive stress checks | 89.1 | 92.2 | 94.6 | 93.6 |
Percentage of employees with high stress levels | 8.5 | 8.7 | 9.3 | 9.0 |
We offer an e-learning seminar on self-care to encourage self-care to reduce stress and prevent mental disorders and stimulate communication in the workplace.
We have also introduced an online support program aimed at remedying stiff shoulders, backaches and other chronic pains, relieving stress and improving performance at work.
Target | 2022 | 2023 | |
Percentage of employees who received e-learning for mental self-care (%) | All employees | 83.0 | ― |
Number of employees who received an online support program aimed at remedying pains | Number of employees who have pain | 35 | 63 |
3. Ensure Thorough Safety Consideration and Prevent Serious Illness
At Canon MJ, we aim to permit employees to continue working with peace of mind even if they are injured or sick. For this purpose, we take comprehensive measures to give work-related consideration to employees who need it and provide individual support for them.
■ Enhancing Safety Considerations and Prevention of Worsening Based on Health Checkup Results
For employees requiring detailed examinations or treatment, we provide support including follow-ups by health nurses and interviews by industrial physicians. Since 2014, we have continued to achieve the target percentage of employees needing detailed examinations who reported that they have received treatment, which is 100%. (Excluding 2020, when many people refrained from visiting hospitals and physicians' offices due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
We ensure that considerations needed to prevent a worsening of lifestyle-related diseases and the development of brain and heart diseases are given under the Group's standards based mainly on the results of regular health checkups.
In addition, as a measure to improve the metabolic syndrome of young employees, we provide health guidance to eligible employees aged under 40.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Percentage of employees who receive regular health checkups | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Percentage of employees needing detailed examinations who reported that they have received treatment | 81.5 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Rate of health guidance given to employees who were found likely to have health problems | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
■ Initiatives to Prevent Accidents with Health-Related Causes
To ensure the safety of employees who drive for work or who work in high places, we judge the risks based mainly on the results of health checkups and make sure to give them necessary considerations.
■ Support for Employees Who Are on Sick Leave or Who Are Otherwise Absent from Work Due to Injury or Illness
We standardize the manual for responding to such employees by establishing roles to be played by human resources department, workplace managers, and health support offices. At the same time, we have continued to provide training to human resource personnel, industrial health staff, and managers.
Content | 2023 | |
People in charge of human resources | Training of people in charge of mental health at Canon Inc. | 3 |
Managers | Training of newly appointed managers (deputy section managers, section managers, and general managers) | All eligible employees |
e-learning for mental health | All eligible employees | |
Industrial health staff | Various training programs and seminars including training for developing providers of specific health guidance, training of people in charge of mental health, and presentation classes | 31 |
Japan Society for Occupational Health and other academic societies | 27 |
■ Initiatives to Ensure Appropriate Work Hours and Tackle Overwork
At Canon MJ, we launched full-scale workstyle reforms to ensure appropriate work hours in April 2017. Those reforms are aimed at maintaining and promoting good health among employees.
As initiatives to reduce overtime work, we have designated Wednesdays and Fridays as "no overtime work days."
Further, to tackle overwork, human resources departments and health support departments work together to arrange for interview guidance to be provided by physicians for all employees who are deemed to need such guidance under the Group's internal standards, in an effort to prevent overwork and tackle the issue at an early stage.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Average monthly hours of overtime work (union members) |
9.8 hours/month | 6.9 hours/month | 8.5 hours/month | 9.0 hours/month |
Average total hours worked | 1,697 hours | 1,755 hours | 1,753 hours | 1,772 hours |
<References> Average overtime hours of general workers: 13.1 hours/month, average total hours worked by general workers: 1,977 hours (Averages for workers excluding part-time workers from Monthly Labour Survey by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
4. Make It a Habit to Receive Effective Cancer Screening and Prevent Cancer
At the Canon MJ Group, we have introduced age group-specific programs of cancer screening subsidies offered by the Canon Health Insurance Union. We also implement company-wide awareness-raising activities to make it a habit to receive cancer screening. These efforts are aimed at ensuring the early detection of cancers. We carry out organized activities to encourage employees aged 40 or older to receive cancer screening because cancer morbidity rates are particularly high in this age group.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Percentage of employees who receive cancer screening (aged 40 or over) | 48.7 | 59.6 | 60.9 | 58.6 |
5. External Evaluations
■ Certification of the Canon MJ Group's Health & Productivity Stock Selection and Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program
2024 Health & Productivity Stock Selection | Canon MJ <<for the third time>> |
2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program Large enterprise category (White 500) |
Canon MJ <<8 consecutive years>> Canon IT Solutions <<7 consecutive years>> Canon System & Support <<3 consecutive years>> Canon BizAttenda <<3 consecutive years>> Qualysite Technologies <<2 consecutive years>> Canon Business Support <<for the second time>> |
2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program Large enterprise category |
Canon ITS Medical <<5 consecutive years>> Canon Production Printing Systems <<3 consecutive years>> Canon Customer Support <<3 consecutive years>> |
■ Other External Evaluations

Developing the First-Aid System and Improving the Effectiveness of Disaster Control Measures

At Canon MJ, we regularly hold a first-aid workshop using AED to develop employees capable of providing first aid in the event of an emergency. The rate of participation in this workshop was 47% in 2022. In addition to holding first-aid workshops at our business locations all over Japan, we take steps to ensure that AEDs can be located at a glance.
We also hold practical disaster drills and prepare aid supply and stockpile for disaster, as disaster control measures.
Development of First-Aid System

- Holding first-aid workshops at business locations across Japan and encouraging employees to participate in the workshops
- Installing and managing AEDs