IR Policy
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Objectives of IR Activities
The objectives of investor relations activities at Canon Marketing Japan Inc. (the "Company") are to build a long-term trustworthy relationship with shareholders, investors, financial analysts and other capital market participants and to earn appropriate recognition from them. The Company shall implement timely, appropriate and equitable information disclosure of financial information as well as management strategy and other non-financial information and strive to enhance dialogue with them. Moreover, the Company shall share insights and evaluation gleaned from such dialogue at meetings of the Board of Directors, management meetings, etc. and reflect them in company management, thereby endeavoring for the improvement of corporate value over the medium to long term.
Fundamental Stance on IR Activities
The Company shall disclose information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Companies Act and other laws and regulations and the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities (the "Rules on Timely Disclosure"), etc. established by Tokyo Stock Exchange.
To maintain a long-term trustworthy relationship with capital markets, the Company shall thoroughly comply with fair disclosure rules and ensure fair and equitable information disclosure.
The Company shall disclose information in a manner that is highly transparent and easy for shareholders, investors, financial analysts and other capital market participants to comprehend.
Information Disclosure System
Representative Director of the Company is unifying the entire group in proactively offering opportunities for dialogue with capital markets. In addition, IR Promotion Center has been established as a section in charge of IR activities, including holding individual interviews, results briefing sessions, company information sessions and various other events. It is working to promote further understanding of the Company by enhancing IR information disclosure.
Further, to strengthen the framework for fair, timely and appropriate disclosure of important corporate information, the Company has established Disclosure Committee. The Committee undertakes the role of promptly making decisions that are necessary for the timely disclosure of important corporate information, including decisions on the necessity of timely disclosure and content and timing of disclosure. In addition, a person in charge of handling disclosed information is assigned in each department of the Company and each of its affiliated companies with the aim of establishing a system for exhaustive and prompt collection of important corporate information occurring within the group.
Method of Information Disclosure
When disclosing information that is deemed as material fact under the Rules on Timely Disclosure, the Company shall disclose such information through Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) operated by Tokyo Stock Exchange and Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ NETwork (EDINET) provided by the Financial Services Agency and promptly post such information on the Company’s website.
With regard to other information that is not subject to these rules, the Company shall promptly disclose information on material facts that could influence the investment decisions of shareholders, investors and financial analysts on its website.
Quiet Period
To prevent the leakage of account settlement information and ensure fairness in the disclosure of information, the Company shall observe a quiet period that begins on the day immediately following the end of a quarterly business period and ends on the day of the earnings announcement for the period, in principle. During the quiet period, the Company shall refrain from making comments on account settlement and answering relevant questions. The above shall not apply, however, to inquiries about information already in the public domain or information disclosed through TDnet.
In the event that any fact subject to timely disclosure occurs during a silent period, the Company shall disclose such information in a timely manner in accordance with the Rules on Timely Disclosure.
Forward-looking statements
Information offered by the Company as important corporate information contains forward-looking statements about plans, strategies and future performance of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries. Such forward-looking statements involve known or unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors.
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